Our core business of identifying and matching professionals for permanent roles has enabled us to develop relationships and networks with many quality specialists who are now operating as Independents.

If you need urgent and temporary assistance NOW we can connect you to theseexperienced, senior level Professionals who may be available to assist on those demanding projects or activities you may not be able to cover with current staff.


Example skill areas;

Geotech- Pilings, tunneling and further

Waste and Shrinkage Management


Contaminated land



Sales and Business Development

Service and Maintenance management

Power and Electrical systems

Water and Waste Water engineering and design

Solid and Liquid Waste management

              This is a fluid and growing list


This referral service is offered at no charge to our clients who are free to negotiate directly with the specialist Consultant on a per case basis. 

Should a permanent hire take place from such engagements a "spotters fee"  at a reduced rate of 5% of negotiated salary would apply and be invoiced to the Client by us.

 To find out more please call